Presbyterian Kirk of the Hills in Fairfield Bay, AR is seeking a part-time interim pastor or CRE for 20 hours per week or as contractually agreed. He/She will be responsible for Sunday morning sermon and worship service including bulletin content, administrating sacraments, conducting baptisms, weddings and funerals as well as moderating Session once per month plus three or four special holiday services per year. Beautiful debt-free church with 35 members in a community surrounded by the forest on the north shore of Greers Ferry Lake. If you like outdoor activities, you will love Fairfield Bay. It is a recreational resort in central Arkansas of mostly full-time retired, and part-time working residents from different areas of the country. Cost of living is surprisingly low with amenities and services that exceed those in most communities of 2,100 population. Salary $32,000 - $50,000.
- How would you describe the congregation’s/organization’s specific vision for ministry? How will this vision impact the community? Is the congregation part of a ministry vision or program?
We endeavor to be a vibrant, transformative Christian faith community for our congregants, and an essential center of our neighborhood by actualizing Christ’s love through our faith and works. We purposely reach out to all with a convergence style worship service that employs a blending of traditional and contemporary elements. This style is used to create an environment combining order, celebration, a broader range of musical styles, and the use of technology to find meaningful expression in the present as well as honoring our traditions. We host special community worship services (Easter Sunrise, Maundy Thursday, Ash Wednesday, Candlelight Christmas Eve), support community activities that provide services to the needy, and offer our facilities to other organizations and a nondenominational Bible study group as a meeting place.
- What is the nature and context of the community in which your congregation lives out its mission/vision? How will you address the emerging needs that are impacting your community?
We are a rural, recreational resort of approximately 2,100, mostly full-time retired, and part-time working residents, from different areas of the country. They have relocated to Fairfield Bay to enjoy the lake, golfing, hiking and ATV trails and the many other outdoor activities in the community. In seeking others who love God, they do not necessarily gravitate toward their previous protestant denomination affiliation, and we enjoy a congregation of diverse religious backgrounds. Areas of Fairfield Bay are socioeconomically challenged, and we are very active in helping to meet some of those needs through equipping our members to identify and develop their spiritual gifts as Christ’s servants. We encourage a spirit of generosity, by committing a portion of our resources, and volunteering our talents and gifts to support programs for the disadvantaged through our church missions, the Kirk Men’s Club, and Presbyterian Women, as well as through local organizations.
- How will this call help complement the responsibilities of other staff/volunteer positions, and the life of the congregation/organization, so that you may accomplish your short- and long-term goals for ministry?
We do not expect our pastor to “do it all”, but with Bible based sermons that will inspire and encourage us in our faith, and a pastor that will facilitate, guide, and empower the session and congregation to develop and expand our ministry and missions. We will work together toward accomplishing our common goals of refining our more casual and inclusive worship service style. We will be even more active in the needs of the community. And we will continue to help care for a congregation with needs ranging from active participants to those needing support with serious health issues and those who are ill and confined to their homes or care facilities. In summary this call can help us sharpen our focus, deepen our faith, care for each other, and become more actively and joyfully engaged with our congregation and our community as we continue to expand a Christian community for all who seek spiritual relationships through worship and service in Jesus’ love.
- Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation.
A strong faith and a desire to help others. We expect our pastor to lead by example, be self-controlled, model integrity, and be above reproach, demonstrate empathy, possess good communication and listening skills, able to delegate, and be flexible. We also appreciate someone who is hospitable with a fun sense of humor.
- What areas of ministry do you expect the person called to be responsible for? Share specific tasks, assignments, and programs.
Within the restraints of 20 hours per week, or as contractually agreed;
• Deliver Sunday morning sermons and provide pastoral leadership following the teachings
of Jesus as taught in the Presbyterian tradition
• Work with Session Worship Elder and Music Director to coordinate worship services
• Moderate Session following the Book of Order-Constitution of the Presbyterian Church USA
• Administer the sacraments on the first Sunday of each month and special services with
the help of Elders trained to assist with communion service
• Help provide training that prepares Session Elders to lead and serve
• Ensure that weekly worship service bulletins contain information you want with assistance
from church secretary
• Help prepare agendas for Session meetings with assistance from Clerk of Session
• Pastoral care in collaboration with Session Congregational Care Elder
• Coordinate with Session Worship Elder and Music Director to plan Easter Sunrise
Service, Maundy Thursday, Ash Wednesday, Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
• Officiate at funerals, weddings, baptisms
• Adult Bible Studies – one to two per year as time permits
• Community involvement as time permits
• Assist in congregational communication by writing a short article each month for the
church newsletter, and suppling information you wish for social media pages by giving it
to the church secretary
Salary: $32,000 - $50,000
Email resume or information request to
Becky Staton, Session Search Committee
Email: kirk24.call@gmail.com
List any links that support the answers to your narratives or highlights ministries
within your church/organization.
Description: church website
URL: presbyteriankirkofthehills.com
Description: Fairfield Bay website
URL: https://visitfairfieldbay.com/